Learning Health System Initiative

In 2020, Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) and its Faculty Practice Organization, ColumbiaDoctors, joined the Columbia University Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, as well as other partners and schools across campus, in launching the Learning Health System initiative to optimize our health system's performance by enhancing the patient experience, improving population health, reducing costs, and improving the work life of health care providers. Since then, this diverse and talented group has worked together to outline a strategy to engage the broader CU medical community and build a leading program in Learning Health System.
In January 2024, stemming from collaborations and successes from the LHS initiative, Columbia was awarded nearly $5 million from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) to fund infrastructure and training support for LHS scientists. Read more about the EQUIP Center for Learning Health System Science on their website which includes information on training, pilot funding, and other open-source content available to researchers internally and externally to Columbia.
The mission of the Learning Health System initiative at Columbia University is to optimize our health system’s performance by enhancing the patient experience, improving population health, reducing costs, and improving the work life of health care providers in alignment with the Quadruple Aim. It aims to do this by leveraging CU and NYP resources and interdisciplinary partnerships to create sustainable processes, resources and training on rapid, rigorous design, evaluation and implementation of interventions particularly using real-time informatics data and digital health tools.
Winter 2022 Learning Health System Symposium
On December 13, 2022, we held our annual Learning Health System symposium in-person in the Myrna Daniels Auditorium, First Floor of Vivian and Seymour Milstein Family Heart Center, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, 177 Fort Washington Avenue, New York, NY 10032.
Please click here for the agenda
Please click here for the program e-book
Please click here for the recording
Spring 2022 Pilot Awards
The Learning Health System – Strategic Priorities Pilot Award invited proposals applying a learning health system (LHS) approach integrating informatics, research, and clinical practice programs to solve real-world problems at NewYork-Presbyterian (NYP)/CUIMC. It offers early resources for innovative and creative LHS studies including rapid cycle trials and interventions in digital health, decision support, quality improvement (QI), and patient safety.
For more information on the awarded LHS projects please click here. To learn more about our Strategic Priorities Pilot Award Program please visit here.
Fall 2021 Learning Health System Symposium
In December 2021 we held the inaugural Learning Health System symposium featuring Columbia University faculty that are integrating informatics, research, and clinical practice programs to solve real-world problems in real-time and continuously iterating knowledge to practice and practice to knowledge in a learning health system cycle. The symposium also featured two external speakers describing an overview of a learning health system and federally funded programs in quality improvement, evidence-based interventions, and interesting areas for further research. Watch a recording of the event (Columbia UNI required).
A funding opportunity was announced at the meetings conclusion to encourage collaborative teams to submit learning health system research ideas.
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Elisabeth DiMaria
622 West 168th Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10033
United States