Community-Based Participatory Research Scholars and Awards Program : Training and pilot funding opportunity designed to stimulate community-engaged research by providing participants structured training and practical experience in CBPR methodology to develop academic-community research partnerships
Consultations in Community Engaged Research: Consultations to support researchers and community stakeholders in carrying out community-engaged research, community-based participatory research, and dissemination and implementation science.
RecruitMe: Recruitment website launched by Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC)'s Clinical Trials Office to connect prospective research participants to the investigators who conduct research studies.
Recruitment and Retention Consultation: Expertise to help teams develop their strategies and implementation plans for recruitment and retention.
Study Promotion and Recruitment: Assistance with possible sources for participant recruitment, including advertising research at Columbia Community Partnership for Health, our research list-serve, and locations in the surrounding community
Guide for Creating Research Recruitment Flyers: Guide to review essential components for creating easy-to understand study flyers that encourage community members to participate in studies.
Community engagement, ethics and participatory research
- Consultations in Community Engaged Research: Consultations to support researchers and community stakeholders in carrying out community-engaged research, community-based participatory research, and dissemination and implementation science.
- Research Ethics and Human Subjects Consultation : Consultations on ethics and regulatory issues are available to investigators as they plan and implement studies, including assistance with IRB submissions and consulting on ethical dilemmas that arise before, during, and after their studies
- Recruitment and Retention Consultation: Expertise to help teams develop their strategies and implementation plans for recruitment and retention.
- Study Promotion and Recruitment: Assistance with possible sources for participant recruitment, including advertising research at Columbia Community Partnership for Health, our research list-serve, and locations in the surrounding community. Recruitment tools including ResearchMatch, the Data Warehouse, and RecruitMe are available to Columbia University researchers.
- Team Science Consultation Service: Confidential consultations with members of the TEAMS resource to discuss a broad range of team-related questions that include topics such as authorship, intellectual property and ownership, diversity and inclusion when forming a team and other team-based issues.
- Multi-Site Trial Recruitment Assistance: Service to help clinical trialists Identify sites for recruitment/ provide expertise in recruitment, informatics, and other areas to aid recruitment efforts.
Clinical trials and research infrastructure support
- Clinical Data Warehouse (CDW) Navigator Support: Consultations with CDW navigators for researchers who have specific questions on counts or cohort definition or are preparing to create a TRAC request for clinical data.
- Clinical Informatics Consultation: Consultations with a Department of Biomedical Informatics faculty member in areas of acquiring data for research and clinical trials.
- Clinical Trial Design and Innovation: Consultations in which statistical and data management team will collaborate with the investigators to decide on the most appropriate, innovative, and efficient design for their trial.
- IRB Liaison Service: Liaison service acts as a link between the IRB and investigators who have submitted a protocol for review by one of the Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) IRBs.
- Multi-Site Trial Protocol Development Assistance: This service coordinates with the national network and the three Trial Innovation Centers to provide an opportunity to propose and develop clinical trial research grants and protocols for submission to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or other major funders.
- Bionutrition Protocol Consultation and Development: Consultations to help guide the development, implementation, and analysis of the nutritional aspects of all clinical research protocols to produce high-quality nutrition research
- Specialized Nutrition Services: Specialized services to produce high quality nutrition research, including dietary intake assessment, data analysis, nutrition counseling and nutrition intervention development.
Innovation and implementation
Data sciences, health informatics, and precision medicine implementation
Biostatistics Consultation: Consultations to assist with study design, manuscript and grant preparation, sample size and power calculations, hypothesis refinement and data analyses.
Analytic and Design Methods for Translational Research: A resource for analytic methods and design for translational research. Analytic methods, design, and software & applications.
REDCap Data Collection Platform: An installation of REDCap, the widely-used electronic data capture (EDC) platform, can be accessed at any time without the need of an administrator.
Data Management Consultation: Available to CUIMC faculty and officers to provide guidance on data management and data collection options.
Clinical Informatics Consultation : Consultations with a Department of Biomedical Informatics faculty member in areas of acquiring data for research and clinical trials.
Consultation on External Data Sources: Guided consultations on requesting access to clinical health data from several external sources
Clinical Data Warehouse (CDW) Navigator Support: Consultations with CDW navigators for researchers who have specific questions on counts or cohort definition or are preparing to create a TRAC request for clinical data.
Systems Biology Consultation : Consultations with faculty at the Department of Systems Biology to support studies involving analysis of high throughput data (transcriptomic, genomic, proteomic, etc.)
Therapeutic Discovery and Development Consultation: Consultation services are available for the discovery, translation, and clinical development of therapeutics within Columbia University.
Trials and Research Opportunities : Series of networks seeking principal investigators and co investigators. Network Capacity team connects researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) to research studies and trials, proposed through regional and national networks.
Clinical Trial Design and Innovation: Consultations in which statistical and data management team will collaborate with the investigators to decide on the most appropriate, innovative, and efficient design for their trial.
Criteria2Query Consultation: Consultations for parsing free-text inclusion/exclusion criteria and produce a structured cohort definition query that can be executed against an Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership.
Research Ethics and Human Subjects Consultation : Consultations on ethics and regulatory issues are available to investigators as they plan and implement studies, including assistance with IRB submissions and consulting on ethical dilemmas that arise before, during, and after their studies
Research Ethics and Human Subjects Consultation: Consultations on ethics and regulatory issues are available to investigators as they plan and implement studies, including assistance with IRB submissions and consulting on ethical dilemmas that arise before, during, and after their studies
Recruitment and Retention Consultation: Expertise to help teams develop their strategies and implementation plans for recruitment and retention.
Recruitment & Retention Compendium: Patient recruitment guidelines, tools, policies and templates related to recruitment and retention.
IRB Liaison Service: The IRB liaison provides consultation in preparing protocols to be compliant with IRB requirements and serves as a link between the IRB and investigators who have submitted a protocol for review by one of the Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) IRBs
Multi-Site Protocol Development Assistance This service coordinates with the national network and the three Trial Innovation Centers to provide an opportunity to propose and develop clinical trial research grants and protocols for submission to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or other major funders.
Multi-Site Recruitment Assistance: Service to help clinical trialists Identify sites for recruitment/ provide expertise in recruitment, informatics, and other areas to aid recruitment efforts.
RecruitMe: Recruitment website launched by Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC)'s Clinical Trials Office to connect prospective research participants to the investigators who conduct research studies.
Biomarkers Core Laboratory: Advanced analytical resource center offering research support to pre-clinical, clinical, and translational investigators at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center and other academic institutions
Bionutrition Research Core: Facilitates and implements the nutrition components of all Clinical Research Resource (CRR) protocols
Single Cell Analysis Core: Provides high-quality single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) services.
Systems Biology Consultation: Consultations with faculty at the Department of Systems Biology to support studies involving analysis of high throughput data (transcriptomic, genomic, proteomic, etc.)
Outpatient Clinical Research Units: Units that offer a highly personalized and professional environment for clinical investigators and adult and pediatric research participants
Inpatient Clinical Research Unit: Dedicated space to facilitate the implementation of complex pediatric and adult study protocols. Continuous care and supervision are provided to protocol activities during the subject's visit.
Long Outpatient (LOP) Adult and Pediatric Clinical Research Services: Long outpatient clinical research services for studies that involve research protocols involving study drug infusions, frequent blood sampling, data collection beyond the Outpatient Clinical Research Unit hours, private rooms for participants and study team members and more.
Off-Campus Activity Space in Washington Heights: Multipurpose space for conducting health research, health promotion activities, and research education and dissemination.
Off-Site Clinical Research Coordinators: Irving Institute-funded research coordinators/nurses are available to support pediatric and adult clinical research activities in the Emergency Department, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Neonatal ICU, Neurological ICU, Neurosurgical ICU and Obstetrics and Gynecology department.
Integrating Genomics and Electronic Health Records Initiatives: Initiatives aimed at integration of electronic health record and genomics data for genomic discovery and genomic medicine implementation research.
Training: Training opportunities for researchers at all levels to advance their skills and knowledge in clinical and translational research, ranging from hands-on workshops and seminars to mentored research opportunities and career development programs.
Funding: Pilot and career development awards for clinical and translational researchers that accept competitive applications typically once per year.