Consultations in Community Engaged Research
This service is provided by the Community Engagement Core Resource (CECR).
The Irving Institute's Community Engagement Core Resource (CECR) provides technical assistance to support Columbia University researchers and community stakeholders in carrying out community-engaged research. Technical assistance includes:
- Partnership Facilitation: Introductions between academic and community stakeholders for potential research partnerships.
- Study Promotion: Assistance with possible sources for participant recruitment, including advertising research at Columbia Community Partnership for Health, our research list-serve, and locations in the surrounding community. Recruitment tools including ResearchMatch, the Data Warehouse, and RecruitMe are available to Columbia University researchers.
This service is available to all researchers at Columbia University and community stakeholders.
There is no cost for this service.
Cite it, Submit it, Share it!
If your research has benefited from one or more Irving Institute resources, please remember to:
- Cite our CTSA grant, UL1 TR001873, in any relevant publications, abstracts, chapters, and/or posters.
- Submit your publications to PubMed Central (PMC) for compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy.
- Share your research updates with us by sending an email to:
Columbia Community Partnership for Health
390 Fort Washington Avenue, Ground Floor
New York, NY 10033
United States