Bionutrition Research Core (BRC)

The Bionutrition Research Core (BRC) plays a vital role in supporting the nutrition aspects of Clinical Research Resource (CRR) protocols. The BRC assists investigators throughout their research journey, from designing studies to collecting and analyzing data. The BRC features a metabolic kitchen that creates meals customized for each protocol. Additionally, the BRC provides education and training opportunities for professionals and students from various institutions, including the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, College of Dental Medicine, Institute of Human Nutrition, Teacher’s College, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, and the public.
The Bionutrition Research Core provides support through:
Heather Seid, DCN, RDN, CSP, CLC
- Program Manager
Paulette Schneider
- Senior Research Technician
Chesleigh Hosler
- Research Technician