Letters of Support

This service is provided by the Administrative Core and Evaluation.


The Irving Institute can provide letters of support including, but not limited to:

  • Research proposals
  • Training grants
  • Conferences

Letters of support are subject to review, editing, and approval and will typically be signed by the Director of the Irving Institute. We strongly recommend that the letter is customized to your specific proposal and unique to other letters of support you may be submitting in your application. If you are submitting a research proposal, please also include a specific aims page or something similar. Finally, please be sure to include the following in your draft letter:

  • Full title of the appropriate addressee
  • Title of the research proposal and funding agency, if applicable
  • CTSA Resources that will be utilized in the proposal, if applicable. For boiler plate language on our resources, please visit their webpages.
  • Other background information on your proposal as well as your history with the Irving Institute and/or CTSA Program, if applicable.

Starting in March 2020, we are also providing letters of support focused on COVID-19 research. 


This service is available to all researchers at Columbia University and all collaborators.

When to Request This Service

We encourage study teams to contact us at least three (3) weeks before a grant proposal is due or other approaching deadline.


There is no cost for this service.

Cite it, Submit it, Share it!

If your research has benefited from one or more Irving Institute resources, please remember to:

  • Cite our CTSA grant in any relevant publications, abstracts, chapters, and/or posters.
  • Submit your publications to PubMed Central (PMC) for compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy.
  • Share your research updates with us by sending an email to: irving_institute@cumc.columbia.edu


Elisabeth Swift DiMaria
622 West 168th Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10032
United States