Wendy Chung, MD, PhD
“Dr. Chung sees the role of the Irving Institute as “experts being able to spread our expertise to many people who are not yet experts.”
“In time, they will develop the skills to become experts, but they didn't necessarily come into the institute in that dimension. Some are good at genomics, for instance, or good at precision medicine. They oftentimes know their specific disease extremely well, or they may know their tool extremely well, but they don't know how to make those connections,” explains Chung.
Chung has taken advantage of many Irving Institute services, including multiple Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Pilot Research (CaMPR) Pilot Awards, and an Integrating Special Populations (ISP) Pilot Award.
Chung also hosts the Advances in Precision Medicine seminar series. “We think about how to use social media, how to be data-driven, how to use the right kind of language, rather than having to start from scratch. We act as expert curators of what's best in class right now or what's best practice,” says Chung, “having what I think of as a toolkit or a toolbox, instead of having people reinvent the wheel.”